Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Economic and financial terms

Financially struggling Greece ............Greece is having a difficult time financially .......

in disagreement with ............... not to agree with someone (to disagree)

crumbling economy economy slowly falling to pieces ............

austerity measures .................measures to save money ..............

has urged the commission .......... has asked the commission .................

explicit message ............. a very direct and detailed message ...............

immense difficulty .......................... great difficulty .........................

pay freeze stop wages or pay rising ................................

he reiterated ............ he stated again ............he repeated ....................

a bailout plan ..............................a plan to help or support ............................

anticipating something .....................expectging something .........................

plumetting economy economy which is quickly getting weaker ............

in the wake of what he said ................following what he said ........

Greece has pledged to ............... Greece has promised to .............

To stage a 24 hour strike ............ to go on a 24 hour strike ..............

public sectors workers ................those working in government offices ...........

sanctions .............................penalties ................................

outline plans ........................give some details of plans ......................

to be on target be able to reach one's goals ..............................

huge ruptures in the financial markets ...................great trouble/unrest in the financial markets

dismissed talk of .............................denied talk of ...........

to trigger ......................... to cause (something to happen) ..............

woes ........................ troubles .....................................

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