Monday, February 8, 2010

Introducing Myself - About Myself

Hello, I am pleased to meet you, my name is Maria and I am Greek. I live just outside Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki is the largest city in Greece after Athens and has a population of about one and a half million people. I was born and brought up there.

I am married and have two small children aged four and two. I have a shop which sells mobile telephones which means I am working everyday so you can imagine I do not have a great deal of time for other things. The children at that age really are a handful and they really keep me on my toes. My husband works in the electronics industry.

I started learning English at school like most children in Greece. Even after I left school I continued taking private lessons in English. But having got married, raising children and running a business, I did not have a lot of free time to continue. I find it important to continue with English. Don't forget that outside of Greece few people speak Greek so if you travel anywhere knowing English is essential to make yourself understood. Without it one would be lost. In general, one can say that for Greeks English is the first foreign language they learn. It is also the language of the music and film industries and, of course, the Internet.

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